Friday, March 14, 2008


I discovered something while listening to 月牙湾: I actually like girls to teh!
BUT they can only teh when they're alone with me, without anyone else in sight, or when they are singing! I love the teh singing voice haha! Liang Jing Ru also v teh!
I am actually quite turned off when they teh in front of other ppl. I get pretty embarrassed. I like the woman who is a lady in front of others, and knows when to be teh when with me. I told a lady friend of mine about this and she said: 贱货

Hahaha! Yes I am a 贱货 !

P.S: Of course powerful, well controlled singing voices are good! But the one that gets me all worked up is the teh voice! Nabeh it took me so long to realise this! It raises the protective urge in me you know what I'm saying? Like you just wanna hug the lady when she's singing and protect her from all the evil forces of the Decepticons! Transformers! More than meets the eye...


Nice song!