Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Yes I am. Just finished playing a round of soccer and I am getting chest pains. Quite scary leh. What if I just die like that? So many things havent do leh... sigh...

As they say, people are 贱. Only want to take action when something goes wrong. Well I am 贱. Now a bit of chest pain and I decide to quit smoking.

That being said, let me now list down why I should quit smoking. So whenever I get the urge, I will come and read this and motivate myself!!!

Reasons to quit smoking

1. I want to be healthier. Smoking burns my lungs

2. I want to be fitter, and smoking will make me less fit

3. I want to smell better. Yeah I know we can use perfume and eat sweets, but we smokers know. The smell is always there.

4. I can save more money. 1pack/day=$10. Dont smoke for 1 yr--> Save $3650. Dont smoke for 10 yrs--> Save $36500. Wah lan eh.
Can do a lot of things with this money leh.
I have smoked since 01/01/2000.
That makes it 8yrs, 2 months and 25days.
Assuming average cost of cigarettes to be at $8.00,
(8x365+61+25+2leap yr days) x 8.00= 3008* 8.00= $24064!!! Nabeh! I would have been at least 24k richer!!

5.My arteries can be less clogged. Yes, smoking clogs up your arteries. Dun believe? Go look at all quit smoking websites. Even if you are skinny like Yaohui, you still can get clogged arteries thru smoking. And clogged arteries = sudden death. Yeah. Just drop dead suddenly. Well I have sold enough health supplements to know this leh.

6. Teeth can be whiter. Smoking stains the teeth. Go look at yourself in the mirror. Enough said.

7. Higher sex drive. Actually dun need to be much higher already. But, oh well... Would you mind having more money? Dont get it? Stupid kid.

8. Family will be happier. My mum wont be always kao-peh-ing about me smoking. My sis wont come home and say: eee.. you smoke. so smelly!

9. No more looking for lighters, no more running out of cigarettes. No need to take cigarettes from others when I forget to buy. 无忧无虑

10. Erm I am running out of ideas. Well this will normally show a lack of motivation to quit. But I want to quit.

I WANT TO QUIT!!!!!!!!! I WANT TO QUIT!!!!! I WANT TO QUIT!!!!!!!!!!

Motivate me. Remind me. I will blog about the whole process here. WIll update everyday. Hahaha.

Think I will go have a last cigarette. (I hear you laughing/sneering)

Now watch.


Blogger \ 勇敢的 Chinese Girl ! \ said...

erm... good luck.

but i already have this mental image of u with a cigarette in ur hand as u're reading this comment 3 days later keke

2:11 AM  

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