Thursday, February 23, 2006


In a moment of charity today, I decided to go donate blood.

They had a questionaire for donors to fill in as a form of screening before the actual donation, and one of the questions went as such:

" Have you had sex with more than one partner in the last 12 months?"

You see, the reason I went to donate blood was that those people had been buggering me to do so by sending numerous cards to my house. I had also seen pleas for more blood donors on the newspapers. But then again, there was this recent article about a few gay guys being thrown into prison for donating blood when they had the HIV virus. As a result of that, people stopped donating.

I can safely assume most people are slightly promiscuous in a way or another, hence the sudden drop in donors.

I had been donating blood for many years.

But this time I was rejected. All because I was honest.

Fucking waste of time. And I can't donate till 2007. Stupid buggers, them.